this website
posted august 5, 2024
updated september 23, 2024
…so i’ve been meaning to put a personal website together since high school. thanks to maybe one of the greatest feats of procrastination ever, i only started working on it the summer after i graduated college.
i guess it’s better late than never.
tech stack
i built this using svelte and tailwindcss, deployed through vercel. i’ve used react and vue in the past, but i like how svelte handles routing in comparison to the other two. having an entirely new file extension for what is mostly vanilla html is a bit odd, but i’ll take it.
the blog portion of this site uses mdsvex, which lets me write markdown that’s treated as just another component by svelte, which is pretty cool. there was a small amount of configuration involved, but i’d gladly take the ~30 minutes over having to write blogs in html forever.
this was also my first time using tailwindcss, which i used to oppose on the grounds that i was simply better for writing pure css. i don’t know if i’ve completely changed my mind on that, but i will concede it’s a lot faster and easier to get things up and running with tailwind, and i’ll probably be using it in the future.
i did admittedly go the lazy route using vercel for deployment, but man it was sooo easy. i’m used to “one click” really meaning twenty, but this was literally one, maybe two clicks. i’m a fan. i will come back and update this if i get slapped with a massive bill in the future, but at least in the site’s infancy, i can’t complain.
finally - not at all coincidentally, svelte was taught in a web development class at umass (CS 426 at time of writing, but that may have changed by the time you read this), which i took my first semester senior year of college. i’m a big proponent of the concept that we’re all mosaics of the people we spend time with, so i guess i have my professor of two semesters and boss of four, tim richards, to thank for this site being svelte instead of the react or nextjs it could have been.
future plans
- photo gallery (coming soon!)
- project gallery (coming soon!)
- actually implement list styling